Why So Many Cat Food Manufacturers Are Wrong – The Foods You Should Avoid Feeding to Your Cat, and the Best Foods To Help Them Thrive


Dry Cat Food

Dry cat food is one of the worst offenders – manufacturers will tell you it has everything your cat needs, but it is packed with grains and filler that a cat doesn’t need in their diet.

Wet Cat Food

Dry cat food is one of the worst offenders – manufacturers will tell you it has everything your cat needs, but it is packed with grains and filler that a cat doesn’t need in their diet.


Cats are carnivorous, so they don’t need a diet containing vegetables.


The citric acid found in some fruits can cause diarrhea, while grapes and raisins are highly toxic and can cause kidney failure.


Most salad items aren’t toxic or harmful to cats. Still, the tiny amount of nutritional benefits they provide aren’t worth them being a part of your cat’s regular diet.

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