When asked what people's pets have accidentally conditioned their owners to do, felinophiles had all sorts of answers; here are ten of the funniest and sweetest.


10 Absurd Things People's Cats Have Inadvertently Conditioned Them To Do SWIPE UP TO READ THE FULL ARTICLE


10 Absurd Things People's Cats Have Inadvertently Conditioned Them To Do


1. Playing Fetch With a Cat

One respondent says that when they first got their cat, they would throw her toy mouse across the room to ensure she would not sit on their laptop while they did work.

2. Shuffle Feet In The Dark

One cat lover says they now shuffle their feet while walking around their home in the dark.

3. Waking up Earlier and Earlier

One commenter says that when they first got their kitten, he would wake the owner up fifteen to twenty minutes earlier every morning so that he could eat breakfast earlier.

4. Catching Hairballs by Hand

One devoted felinophile says their beloved long-haired cat who sleeps on the bed with them coughs up hairballs while they sleep.

5. Flat Sleeping

Another owner who wants to give their cat everything they want says that they have become a back or stomach sleeper after being a side sleeper for years.

6. Sleeping With Legs Apart

More than a few users agree that their sleeping habits and positions have changed to accommodate their feline friends.

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